Keystone Adult Day Program

Valuing Lives – Sharing Memories – Connecting Community

Keystone Adult Day Program improves the quality of life for people with cognitive and/or functional impairments while providing caregivers with day time respite. Keystone Adult Day Program accomplishes its purpose by providing participants with a structured, comprehensive program with a variety of health, social, and related support services, in a protective setting for a part of the day while providing caregivers with education, support and a break from providing care. The vision of Keystone Adult Day Program is to enable each person, both the caregiver and the care receiver, to make the fullest possible use of his and her abilities and to remain a social being. Learn more at

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Click here to download the 8.5×11 Keystone Adult Day Program promotional poster

Click here to download the 11×17 Keystone Adult Day Program promotional poster